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Partner Profile

Mathematics Vision Project

Contact this partner

Who we are

MVP is the authoring team for Open Up High School Mathematics, Skyline High School Mathematics, and the MVP legacy curriculum. These materials engage students in tasks that support student discourse and representations to elicit, extend, and refine their conceptual and procedural understanding of mathematics. The professional learning offerings engage teachers to support their implementation of curriculum to ensure learners acquire academic language, mathematical content knowledge, and the ability to engage in mathematical practices.

Our team

21–50 facilitators/coaches

26-50% are non-white

Where we work

We have worked here

We are also willing to work here

Types of districts that we have experience working with

  • Traditional District
  • Charter
  • Private
  • Parochial
  • Urban
  • Rural
  • Suburban
  • Fewer than 2,500 students
  • 2,500 to 10,000 students
  • 10,000 to 50,000 students
  • 50,000 to 100,000 students
  • More than 100,000 students
  • Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
  • Greater than 20% of English language learners
  • Greater than 20% of students with disability
  • Greater than 80% students of color

Why is this important?

This partner's approach and services

How we provide curriculum-aligned PL


Rich engaging experiences provide an excellent foundation in which enduring understandings can place their foundation. We engage teachers in the HQIM by modeling implementation. We focus on specific frameworks or components of the curriculum by engaging in it and modeling how it works.


Coaching is approached according to the goals and needs of the teachers. Specific goals are set and data collected via observation to support achievement of the goals. To support implementation of specific strategies or routines modeling can be provided or co-teaching to allow teachers opportunity to view quality exemplars.


The curriculum lends itself to deep inquiry, collaboration and learning for students and for teachers. Supporting a collaborative team in understanding the learning goals and learning progression is key to supporting their successful implementation. Additionally, helping the team to determine assessment measures and analyze quantitative and qualitative evidence is essential.


Consultations are invaluable opportunities for leadership to share ideas and strategies for improvement and receive guidance and feedback as to how they might refine and improve the implementation plan. When leaders seek out and adjust to feedback they are able to make crucial course corrections that promote exceptional growth.

What is this?