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Partner Profile

CPM Educational Program

Contact this partner

Who we are

CPM is an educational nonprofit that provides exemplary secondary mathematics curriculum and comprehensive professional development. For over 30 years, our curriculum and professional learning has supported teacher expertise, growth, and leadership as they transition to a student-centered, problem-based classroom. Our multi-year approach to professional learning and curriculum implementation is facilitated by a knowledgeable cadre of experienced CPM teachers who have implemented the curriculum.

Our team

21–50 facilitators/coaches

11-25% are non-white

Where we work

We have worked here

We are also willing to work here

Types of districts that we have experience working with

  • Traditional District
  • Charter
  • Private
  • Parochial
  • Urban
  • Rural
  • Suburban
  • Fewer than 2,500 students
  • 2,500 to 10,000 students
  • 10,000 to 50,000 students
  • 50,000 to 100,000 students
  • More than 100,000 students
  • Greater than 60% of economically disadvantaged students
  • Greater than 20% of English language learners
  • Greater than 20% of students with disability
  • Greater than 80% students of color

Why is this important?

This partner's approach and services

How we provide curriculum-aligned PL


Teachers need support as they implement a student-centered, problem-based curriculum. CPM Professional Learning is designed to offer that. Our multi-year approach is facilitated by knowledgeable, experienced CPM teachers. From in-person learning events and coaching to virtual sessions and on-demand modules, we offer a range of support to fit districts needs.


Research indicates that effective coaching changes practice. CPM s coaching model includes intentional, ongoing, non-evaluative interaction between a math coach and a teacher. It is designed to be an effective means to support teacher growth and, in turn, increase student learning while using CPM materials.


Implementation Support Visits (ISV) are included in year one and two of implementation. The intent of an ISV is to provide individual support, non-evaluative feedback, and an opportunity for teacher reflection as teachers begin to connect the knowledge they have obtained during CPM learning to the realities of the classroom.


CPM s Professional Learning team works with schools and districts to develop flexible, personalized professional learning, consulting, coaching, and support to match their needs.

What is this?